Week 5 Open Gates from Hurts, Emotions & Memories

Watch the Week 5 Video: https://youtu.be/VgZ0WQePz_Q

Read the following Week 5 Chapters:

Chapter 15 Hurts, Emotions and Memories (Word / PDF / HTML)

Chapter 16 Sexual Abuse (Word / PDF / HTML)

Chapter 17 Rejection (Word / PDF / HTML)

Chapter 18 Prenatal influences (Word / PDF / HTML)

Chapter 19 Trauma (Word / PDF / HTML)

Chapter 20 Satanic Ritual Abuse and MPD (DID) (Word / PDF / HTML)

Chapter 21 Our Image of God & Self (Word / PDF / HTML)

Week 5 Questions: Be prepared to answer the questions when your class meets. (Word / PDF / HTML)